Castalia: Studies in Indo-European Linguisics, Mythology and Poetics, ed. Laura Massetti, Leiden-Boston: Brill 2023.
Università di Napoli ‘L'Orientale', Palazzo del Mediterraneo, via Nuova Marina 59, aula T2 and ONLINE, 5PM (Italy time)
The program of the event is as follows:
17:00–17:40 Greetings and Introduction
Laura Massetti (Napoli ‘L’Orientale’ / Harvard CHS) and Giancarlo Schirru (Napoli ‘L’Orientale’)
17:40–18:10 “Upholding the Right, Making a Misdeed Right: How IE Phraseology Casts Light on Obscure Terms”
José Luis García Ramón (Köln / Milano UCSC)
18:10–18:40 “Beyond Baldr’s Death and the Vedic Wounded Sun: an Irish Sequel”
Riccardo Ginevra (Milano UCSC / Harvard CHS)
18:40–19:00 Round Table Discussion
All the best,
Laura Massetti